The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. Proverbs 31:11

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This is the next verse in the Proverbs 31 Chapter we are studying. This verse is obviously written about a married woman, so what can I as a single woman glean from it? Well first I see a word or two that need defining. The first word is trust:
TRUST, v.t. To place confidence in; to rely on. We cannot trust those who have deceived us.
He that trusts every one without reserve, will at last be deceived.
1. To believe; to credit.
Trust me, you look well.
2. To commit to the care of, in confidence. Trust your Maker with yourself and all your concerns.
3. To venture confidently.
Fool”d by thee, to trust thee from my side.
4. To give credit to; to sell to upon credit, or in confidence of future payment. The merchants and manufacturers trust their customers annually with goods to the value of millions.
It is happier to be sometimes cheated, than not to trust.
If we look at this definition, we find that a woman of virtue is trustworthy. For a married woman, it means that what her husband had entrusted to her (namely his heart, reputation, life and future) are safe in her care. Since trust is a two way street this also means she trusts him to care for what she had entrusted to him. Next we look at the word spoil.
SPOIL, n. [L.]
1. That which is taken from others by violence; particularly in war, the plunder taken from an enemy; pillage; booty.
2. That which is gained by strength or effort.
Each science and each art his spoil.
3. That which is taken from another without license.
Gentle gales fanning their odoriferous wings, dispense native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole their balmy spoils.
4. The act or practice of plundering; robbery; waste.
The man that hath not music in himself, nor is not movd with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treason, stratagems and spoils.
5. Corruption; cause of corruption.
Villainous company hath been the spoil of me.
6. The slough or cast skin of a serpent or other animal.
From the definitions of these two words, the verse becomes clearer. Because he can trust his wife in all things, he does not need the riches that spoil brings. A virtuous wife will protect her husband’s interests, whether that be business or personal. She will be always on the lookout for his best.
OK, but what about me? What can I get from this verse?
A married, virtuous woman did not become trustworthy overnight. Trust is an earned commodity. It is given when trust given has been returned with fidelity.

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As a single woman, I need to cultivate the characteristic of trustworthiness or faithfulness. It is one of many virtues that a Christian should exhibit. We are to be trustworthy in the trust that Christ had given us to reach others with His Word. If we look at the verse in the light of Christ the husband of the church, He has given into our keeping His Name, His Reputation, His Life and His Future. His Name is our name now, His Reputation rests on our trustworthiness, His Life is an eternal gift, and His Future is the King of Kings. We have been given the task of spreading His Name and Reputation. What a sacred trust! Are we practicing trustworthiness? Are we as women of virtue developing the faithfulness that will result in Our Savior´s trust?