Photo Credit: Curly Courland via Compfight cc
I am a single missionary serving God in the country of Portugal. It is my prayer that through this blog other singles serving God will be blessed. I can be reached at servingsingle(at)gmail(dot)com. Please help me be a blessing to you by commenting on the blog posts and by getting in touch with me about blog post ideas. If you would like to be a contributor, please get in contact with me and send me some information about yourself.
Hi! My name is Brittany Franklin and I am also a single missionary. I am currently finishing up deputation and leaving for Mexico April 4th. Someone got one of my prayer cards and one of yours and emailed me and told me about your blog. How long have you been in Portugal? What are your primary ministries there? Are you working primarily with children’s ministries? Would love to hear back from you when you have the opportunity. =)