The name of this blog has a dual meaning. One is a serving of food in portions for a single person. Second is a single person who serves Jesus Christ. It is the purpose of this blog to fulfill both meanings. The main focus will be on the second meaning. Once in a while the blog will also feature a recipe that can either be made for a single person or modified to fit the needs of a single person.

Photo Credit: Curly Courland via Compfight cc
Our main focus will be on encouraging singles who serve Jesus Christ. This could mean you serve Him in full-time ministry either in a foreign country or in your home country, or you serve in part-time ministry as a worker in a local church. Serving as a single in a couple oriented society can be difficult. Through this blog, I hope to encourage you in your walk with God and with others.
From time to time, I will invite guests to blog. Some of these guests will be single people serving God in various capacities. Some will be married people who have a connection to a single person. If you have a question you would like answered or an idea for a blog post based on your own experience, please contact me with details. I am reachable by email at servingsingle(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thank you for stopping by in your busy day to check out the blog.